Andrus Halfway House and Farm

  • Built in Crescent, Utah 1858

  • Relocated in 1980

Lucy Loomis Tuttle, the third wife of Milo Andrus, directed the construction of this home while her husband was serving an LDS mission in England. The Andrus home served as an inn where Lucy, along with the rest of her family, provided food and lodging for travelers. It was known as a "Halfway House" because its location in Crescent, was midway between Traveler's Rest near 6400 South in Salt Lake City, and Porter Rockwell's rest stop about twelve miles south. Lucy operated the inn for seven years before moving the family to Spanish Fork and opening up another successful hotel.


Did you know?

This house was constructed using balloon framing, which consisted of using a lighter frame of two-by-fours and nails that allowed for the rapid production of homes.